Friday, 4 November 2016

FiDi condo board unhappy about plans for the 9/11 Tribute Center’s expansion

“It makes no logical sense”

Back in June, the 9/11 Tribute Center announced a plan to move into the 35,000-square-foot retail space at 88 Greenwich Street. But according to The Real Deal, the building’s condo board is none too pleased with the idea, going so far as to file a suit against Thor Equities and the September 11th Families’ Association to block the plan.

The specific issue is the location of the Center’s entrance, which is slated to go right next to the entrance for the condos. The proximity of the two entrances, the suit claims, will “undoubtedly cause confusion amongst Tribute Center visitors, who are likely to enter the condominium’s main lobby countless times per day, believing they are entering the tribute center.” As an alternative, the condo board proposes that Thor move the center’s entrance to the Rector Street side of the building.

“We welcome the Tribute Center as neighbors,” Adam Leitman Bailey, an attorney for the condo board, told TRD. “But it makes no logical sense for Thor to put the entrance door right next to the residential building, inviting chaos and dangerous conditions for the occupants and visitors on a small residential street, when a better, larger location exists for the entrance door on the other side of the building.”

So far, though, Thor—which has full control of the $25 million commercial condominium—doesn’t seem to be having it. “We fully support the 9/11 Tribute center and its ongoing commitment to the Financial District,” a company spokesperson said. “This complaint is an insult to those who lost their lives in the 9/11 attacks.”

The new Greenwich Street location has three times as much space as the center’s current location, at 120 Liberty Street. Once expanded, the center anticipates approximately 750,000 to 1 million visitors each year.


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