Tuesday, 17 May 2016

Bronx's Boogie Down Booth Makes Its Triumphant Return

The public-art installation is coming back to the Boogie Down borough

For the third consecutive year, the Boogie Down Booth will emerge in the Bronx. Created by the Women’s Housing and Economic Development Corp. (WHEDco) in collaboration with designer Chat Travieso and NYC Parks, the Boogie Down Booth serves as a pleasant distraction to the noisy and high-traffic O’Neill Triangle area.

Following the success of the previous two years, the interactive art installation will continue to feature a curated playlist with music from Bronx born/based artists, solar-powered LED lights, picnic-style public seating, and artwork from local artists and students. Located near Boricua College and more than 1,000 housing units, the booth serves as more than just entertainment. Its community bulletin board functions as an information hub on neighborhood happenings. Project partners DreamYard, BronxWorks, and Boricua College will also utilize the site for various activities.

The booth will be in place until July 2016.


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